The Busch Firm

Estate Planning and
Trust Administration Services

Over the years, we have assisted clients in the preparation of their estates and the handling of any trust administration matters that may arise. When you work with us, we outline the options available and work with you to develop an estate plan that suits your needs in light of your objectives including minimizing or eliminating estate tax. We will also provide you with a written proposal outlining and diagramming how your estate plan will work.

Our vision is to assist our clients to enhance the community through the orderly transfer of wealth to successor generations and charities. Through our planning, our clients have transferred over $2 billion in donations to charities and foundations of our clients’ selection.

We can help you with…

  • ■  Wills and Trusts
  • ■  Trust Administration
  • ■  Trust, Gift, and Estate Tax Returns
  • ■  Gift Planning
  • ■  Risk Isolation / Asset Protection Planning
  • ■  Private Foundations
  • ■  Formation of Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts (IDGT), including sales of LLC or partnership interests to IDGTs between family members
  • ■  Family S Corporations
  • ■  Family Partnerships and Family LLCs
  • ■  Intra-Family Sales of Stock/Assets through Tax-Efficient Transfers
  • ■  Premarital and Post-Marital Agreements
  • ■  Life Insurance Alternatives and Analysis
  • ■  Charitable Remainder Unitrusts (CRUT)
  • ■  Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts (CRAT), and Charitable Lead Trusts (CLT)
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949.474.7368 | 2532 Dupont Drive, Irvine, CA 92612-1524